Human Factors Professional Development
We provide a modular professional development programme to increase understanding of human factors in the process industries. The course is run each year in the UK and Australia but we also deliver it for clients as an internal course. It is run jointly with the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).
Who's it for?
The course is designed for:
- chemical/process engineers
- safety engineers
- operations managers
- in-house human factors advisors
- HSE managers and advisors
Specific modules may be of interest depending on your specialism. For example, electrical, mechanical and instrumentation engineers.
The course provides you with a comprehensive overview of human factors, with access to practical evidence-based tools. You will learn:
- how human factors affects human performance, health and safety
- how human factors should be managed within your organisation
- how to reduce risks related to major accidents
- how to use key human factors tools and techniques
UK delegates can gain credibility as the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) operator’s intelligent customer for human factors.
The course is accredited by the UK Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF). Completion of the course contributes to the achievement of the CIEHF technical member grade of membership.
Find out more
Our team are happy to provide more information. Please click on the relevant button below to contact us.
You can also find further details on the IChemE website
The programme covers key human factors principles. There are four two-day modules, each supported by pre-course reading. Modules can be completed in any order, either as single modules or as part of the overall programme.
In the UK, the four modules are held in Edinburgh and Manchester. In Australia the location varies between the east and west coast. The modules are:
- Module One – Managing Human Factors, including organisational change, safety culture and safety critical communications
- Module Two – Managing Human Failure, including human error, violations, incident investigation and performance under pressure
- Module Three – Strengthening Organisational Performance, including competence, staffing and workload, fatigue and effective supervision and safety leadership
- Module Four – Human Factors and Design, including Human Factors in engineering projects, control rooms, human machine interface design and procedure design

The book was inspired by the international human factors training course run by the Keil Centre with IChemE, which has reached four continents across the world. The book is written for those who want a comprehensive overview of the subject, focusing on the practical application of human factors. It has been written for safety professionals, engineers and operational disciplines within industry, and those aspiring to these disciplines, who either deal with human factors issues or any aspect of the human element in their core role.