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Wellbeing & Resilience

The Keil Centre’s psychologists offer a comprehensive range of evidence-based advice, support and training to support wellbeing, mental health and resilience at an individual, team and organisational level.

Who's it for?

We work with HR/ Operational Development and Health & Safety professionals, as well as team and organisational leaders to support development of wellbeing, mental health and resilience in individuals, teams and across organisations.


Our services:

  • are delivered expert Chartered and Registered Psychologists with many years of practical experience
  • cover the full range of interventions to support mental health and wellbeing at work, including:
    • stress risk assessments and audits
    • training on wellbeing and mental health for individuals and managers
    • support for building resilience
    • support and advice for return to work and mental health-related absence
    • guidance on the prevention, management and treatment of acute stress, as potentially experienced by those operating in high hazard situations

Find out more

Our team are happy to provide more information. Please click on the relevant button below to contact us.

The benefits of focusing on the wellbeing, resilience and mental health of people at work are well understood. A healthy team is happier, with lower levels of absenteeism, greater satisfaction and engagement at work, as well as increased innovation and productivity.

The Keil Centre’s psychologists can help you ensure your efforts are focused, evidence-based and likely to have a meaningful, sustained positive impact in your organisation, whether supporting individuals, teams or the organisation’s wider strategy.​ We offer a wide range of services, from design and delivery of training workshops and seminars, to professional advice and support for organisational strategy.

Services offered

Meet the team

Our team of human factors experts includes Chartered Psychologists and Ergonomists with the highest level of qualification and professional accreditation. We have the practical expertise to support your needs.