Measuring Human Factors Maturity®
November 26, 2021

Shipping company with a fleet of oil, gas and chemical vessels and bulk carriers.
The issue: The company was new to human factors. They wanted to raise awareness across the company and work out what to do first.
The approach: The Keil Centre held a two-day workshop with fleet managers and vessel crews to raise awareness of human factors. Topics included:
- human factors and major accidents
- safety culture
- human error
- human performance
- design
We then followed this with a human factors maturity® assessment to gain a baseline measurement and define priorities to work on.
The outcome: The workshop led to a greater appreciation of the role of human factors in operations. The company found that their human factors maturity® was greater than they had expected. With our support, they identified their Human Factors priorities as defining the process for assessing human error, developing better procedures and improving incident investigation.